First Aid Certificates in Regina

Regina First Aid is a provider partnered with St Mark James that provides quality first aid certificates programs to prospective trainees. Students can choose from a large selection of classes and schedules, all of which can be found on the Regina First Aid website. There is also a registration form on the website for quick and easy enrolment. You can’t go wrong with this provider because all classes are taught by St Mark James Training certified instructors. Enrol today!

On-Line Registration

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First aid certification Programs

Training Classroom
First Aid Certificates Classroom in Regina

Standard first aid and CPR programs at Regina First Aid are very comprehensive, offered throughout the week for 18 hours in total. Topics studies in the program include cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and automated external defibrillation (AED). AEDs are machines that are hooked to the heart and supply it with needed shock during irregular cardiac rhythms.

To pass any class or program, a student needs to show good demonstration of skills, have at least a 75 percent on the written exam, and complete attendance.

Certificate cards are awarded to students who are able to complete and pass a program. Wall-mount certificates can be requested. Recertification is done within three years. Standard / intermediate first aid and CPR recertification is held twice a week, 8 hours long in total.

Enrolment and Course Fees of First Aid Certificates in Regina

Applying Gauze for a Cut on the Arm
Applying gauze to control a bleeding wound

Regina First Aid offers the cheapest rate for training in the Regina area. Rates are paid in full during enrolment and are inclusive of St Mark James certification fees, and training manuals. Full refunds are given to students who drop out, provided a 72-hour notice is given beforehand.

Signing for a program can be done through e-mail, telephone call, or walk-in during business hours in any of the training centers. The Regina First Aid website also has a complete list of classes, rates, schedules, and an on-line registration form.

Facilities and Instructors

All classes are taught in high end facilities equipped with the latest AED trainers, training mannequins, and first aid training kits. All of the facilities are within walking distance of public transportation, free parking, and restaurants.

Instructors are available for private training at home or for workshops, conferences, and other events.

Did You Know?

The pathophysiology of the heart

First Aid Training Course
Participants enrolled in first aid certification courses in Regina will learn the latest CPR rescue techniques with hands-on training.

The heart is essentially a big muscle that sends blood through the lungs to receive oxygen and then to the rest of the body. Oxygen is a basic component needed by all the cells in our body to produce energy and function. Similarly, the heart muscle needs oxygen from oxygenated blood to function. Angina, or chest pain, is caused by a decrease in blood delivery to the heart. Without oxygen, the heart muscle experiences a condition called ischemia. Typically, angina is caused by coronary artery disease (CAD). CAD is caused by a buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries, the arteries that supply blood to the heart.