How To Deal With Back Pain

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One common issue that affects many people at one point or another in their lifetime is back pain. This is something that can arise from a myriad of issues, such as bending over in an awkward manner, lifting things incorrectly, and taking on a bad posture while either sitting down or standing up.

One common issue that affects many people at one point or another in their lifetime is back pain.
One common issue that affects many people at one point or another in their lifetime is back pain.

Oftentimes, back pain is something that can be dealt with within a period of a few weeks or a few months; however, there are some individuals who claim that they experience pain for a longer amount of time, as well as pain that never seems to go away at all.

Back Pain Types

A backache is most commonly felt in the lower back, or lumbago. However, this is a pain that can also be felt virtually anywhere along your spine, ranging from your neck to your hips.

Back pain can also be caused by issues such as a disease or an injury, such as the following:

*Slipped disc
*Frozen shoulder
*Ankylosing spondylitis

What You Should Do

Many cases involving back pain typically get better on their own, meaning you won’t have to worry about seeing a doctor. On the other hand, if your pain has only lasted for around either a few days or a few weeks, here are some pieces of advice that you should consider following:

*Stay as active as you possibly can and try to keep up with all of your normal daily activities
*Take ibuprofen or over-the-counter painkillers like paracetamol if you feel you need to
*Use a compression pack that is either hot or cold
*Remain positive

Treatments for More Long-Term Pain

If you’re either worried about your back or the pain you’re experiencing hasn’t improved within a period of six weeks, it may be a good idea to visit your doctor. They may prescribe you a variety of different treatments for your condition, including the following:

*A stronger set of painkillers
*Exercise classes
*A form of manual therapy
*A visit to a specialist pain clinic to obtain advice and support

Signs of a More Serious Issue

There are also signs that you should seek the help of a medical professional if you are experiencing more than just back pain. These other issues include the following:

*A high fever
*Weight loss that can’t be explained
*Any type of deformity or swelling in your back
*Pain that doesn’t ease up one you start to lay down
*Chest pain
*Inability to control either your bladder or bowel
*Inability to urinate
*Your back passage, buttocks, and/or genital area feeling numb
*Pain that is worse during the nighttime hours
*Pain that started after an accident of any kind


Related Video On Back Pain

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