Fact Checked
Overview – What Is Poison?
- Poisons are substances that lead to injury, sickness or death
- These occurrences are caused by a biochemical activity in the cells
- Poisons can be inoculated by injection, inhaled or consumed
- Poisoning should be assumed if an individual is ill for some unidentified reason
- Poor air circulation can intensify poisoning
- First aid is crucial for causalities that have been poisoned
Causes Of Poisoning
- Medicines
- Drug overdose
- Work-related exposure
- Cleaning agents/ or paints
- Carbon monoxide gas produced from heaters
- Pesticides
- Some cosmetics
- Some domestic plants
- Lips turn blue
- Skin outbreaks
- Trouble breathing
- Diarrhea
- Queasiness and vomiting
- Fever
- Headache
- Light-headedness and tiredness
- Double vision
Poisoning should be assumed if an individual is ill for some unidentified reason - Stomach or chest pain
- Shivers
- Loss of hunger and can’t control bladder
- Lack of feeling
- Muscle jerking
- Seizures
- Paleness
- Loss of consciousness
Treatment For Poisoning
- Get immediate medical assistance
- Try and detect the poison if you can
- Examine for signs like burns nearby the mouth, breathing trouble or nausea
- Encourage vomiting only if the poison was consumed
- In case of seizures, shield the casualty from self-injury
- If the vomit makes contact with the skin, rinse it carefully
- Place the casualty on the left till medical assistance arrives
For Poisons Which Have Been Inhaled
- Seek immediate emergency help
- Get help before you attempt to rescue others
- Hold a wet cloth to cover your nose and mouth
- Open all the doors and windows
- Take deep breaths before you begin the rescue
- Avoid lighting a match
- Check the patient’s breathing
- Do a CPR, if necessary
- If the patient vomits, take steps to prevent choking
Steps to Avoid
- Don’t give an unconscious casualty anything to eat or drink
- Do not induce vomiting unless told by a medical expert or if the poison was consumed
- Do not give any pills to the casualty unless directed by a medic or doctor
- Do not counteract the poison with honey or lime juice
Prevention Of Poison
- Keep medications, cleaning shampoos, mosquito repellants and paints cautiously stored away
- Keep all potentially toxic substances away from kids
- Mark the poisons in your house so you can immediately see what it is
- Avoid having toxic plants in or around your home
- Take care while consuming products such as berries or mushrooms
- Teach kids they need to be cautious and not handle toxic substances.