The Causes Of Bloating

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Overview Of Bloating

When a person is bloated, they often feel as though their stomach is stretched. They often have a feeling of being uncomfortable and this can lead to pain and cramps in the abdomen as well. This is a feeling in which most people have dealt with at some point in their lives. For those who find that bloating is a regular issue within their bodies, then they need to figure out what could be causing this. This could be due to:

  • Swallowing excessive amounts of air while eating or drinking
    When a person is bloated, they often feel as though their stomach is stretched. They often have a feeling of being uncomfortable and this can lead to pain in the abdomen as well.
    When a person is bloated, they often feel as though their stomach is stretched. They often have a feeling of being uncomfortable and this can lead to pain in the abdomen as well.
  • Food intolerances
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Excess wind
  • Constipation
  • Celiac disease

Now, let’s look at this major causes individually.

Swallowing Excessive Air

This is often due to eating or drinking too fast. This is why you should slow down and savour your foods. In addition, do not talk while eating as this can make this worse. Be sure that you are sitting up straight and not slumped over. And you may find that it is necessary to not drink fizzy drinks, chew gum to avoid excessive air. Also, be sure that you are chewing with your mouth closed.

Food Intolerances

Food intolerances can cause your bowel to not empty properly which causes gases to be trapped in your stomach. Too much gas that is being produced is going to lead to the feeling of bloat. You should check with a specialist and perhaps get tested for these intolerances.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

This syndrome affects several people and they most often complain of bloating when they have it. In order to help with this syndrome, cutting down on the amounts of fibre or high-fat foods that you eat can help tremendously. You may also utilize peppermint or probiotics as a way to help deal with these symptoms. If nothing works, then talk to your doctor about your options for treating IBS.

Excess Wind

There are several foods that are known for causing excess wind or gas in the stomach. These foods include:

  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Sprouts
  • Onions
  • Cabbage

If you can cut down or completely eliminate these foods from your diet, you may feel much better in the long run.


For those who suffer from constipation, they are going to want to ensure that they are eating enough fiber in their diet to keep their digestive system regular. They will also want to ensure that they are exercising to promote healthy bowel movements.

Celiac Disease

This is a common digestive issue where gluten is not tolerated by the body. Those who have this often need to avoid barley, wheat, and rye in foods. In order to know whether this is the issue or not, you will have to be tested by your doctor. In most cases, the person will find that if they change their eating habits to not include gluten, they will defeat the bloating that plagues them.

Related Video On Bloating

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