How To Relieve Back Pain At Work

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Ways to sit correctly


When you sit at a computer desk for an extended period of time it can cause problems. It doesn’t matter how you sit or how comfortable you are it is important that you get up out of the chair as often as you can.
The experts suggest that for every 30 minutes you are seated that you get up for at least 2 minutes. They say this is beneficial for your health and your back.

When you sit at a computer desk for an extend period of time it can cause problems.
When you sit at a computer desk for an extend period of time it can cause problems.

How your back can be impacted at a workstation:

  • The position of your computer
  • The posture you have when you are seated
  • The height of your chair
  • The position of your keyboard
  • The position of your monitor
  • The layout of your workstation

When you work on a computer or in an office it is important to have the correct posture when sitting.
For those that are unsure about their workstation and seating are advised to speak with their manager at work about the arrangement.

First, you can adjust your chair to better suit your needs to avoid back pain.

In the work place, it is actually a law that chairs you sit in should be sturdy. Currently, the standards in chairs have a star shape with five legs.

It is important that the chairs are not only sturdy but they should be able to be adjusted so that they meet the heights and back support for each individual. They should also slightly tilt and supply a back rest that flows freely for personal comfort.

When you are seated in a chair it is important that your thighs are positioned at a right angle or they can be slightly sloped in a down position.

Your feet should touch the floor once your chair is adjusted. If your feet are not firmly touching the floor it is possible to use the footrest that is provided on the chair. This may feel more comfortable for certain people. Basically, the idea is to support you back while you are seated position.


The safety of lifting


Back injuries mainly happen in the workplace from incorrect handling and lifting of objects. It is important to stay focused when you are lifting or moving objects in the workplace. By lifting, handling, and moving objects correctly you can often avoid back pain at work.

How to lift safely:

  • Stay focused
  • The object should be close to your waist
  • Make sure you are stabilized in your position before lifting
  • Do not lean backwards, sideways, or twist when lifting
  • It is important to keep your back straight when you begin to lift
  • When picking up objects make sure the weight is evenly distributed
  • If the object is too heavy for you to lift do not lift it
  • A heavy object should be pushed instead of pulled
  • If you ae looking for more information on how you can lift correctly and safely please read about safe lifting tips.
  • Remember to take breaks when they are needed.
  • By taking short breaks it will improve your back. If you are sitting for long periods of time it is important to take breaks in between.
  • By getting up and moving it will allow your muscles to loosen up. This will lessen the strain and stiffness which may occur on those muscles from sitting for long periods of time.

Many employees are able to enjoy a break from the computer or their desk. They can often take a moment to have a refreshment or change of scenery. They can also do this by changing a task throughout the day such as using the copy machine or other errands.


Treatment for back pain


When it comes to back pain the best thing you can do is stay active and sometimes it is necessary to take medication. Although you may feel like calling it a day and staying in bed this is likely to be the worst thing for your back pain.

Your back muscles become weaker with the less movement you create. This is why it is important to keep moving.

Those who can keep a positive frame of mind often recover faster than those who are depressed.
For those who suffer from back pain that last more than six weeks often have treatment that can involve medication, therapy, strength training, or acupuncture.


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